kid swingingFeeling guilty about the impact your divorce has on your kids is not uncommon. But according to statistics, thousands of kids go through the divorce of their parents annually. You can get your kids through your divorce and raise happy, healthy children. But, there are times when your job will be to get your kids professional mental help. There is no shame in therapy, and its benefits are immeasurable.


An organization devoted to issues involving children offers guidance on how to recognize if your kids need therapy:


● An increase in conflict between the child and the parent

● Refusing to participate in family activities or visitation with a parent

● An increase in health issues

● Depression

● Problems in school

● Difficulty sleeping

● Withdrawing from friends


It is important to look for and identify these issues early. Getting help at the first sign of an issue will help your kids reach a resolution faster. Recognizing these issues reassures your kids you are devoted to their well-being and boosts their confidence. A skilled therapist can help put your children back on track and offer tools necessary to combat the emotional trauma many children of divorce feel.


For questions about divorce, call an experienced family law attorney for help. We have the experience to help you with the unique facts of your case. Call today to schedule an appointment.