Many criminal cases are resolved by the Defendant agreeing to go on probation. Probation is a way to stay out of jail, but still “serve” time for the charges against you. The terms of probation depend on the type of charges, and must be followed exactly as written in order to receive the benefits. Sometimes the terms can be hard to understand, and this results in violations, which in turn cause the probation to be revoked. When probation is revoked, the Defendant is charged with the crime of probation violation and is also required to serve the original sentence. This can work a real hardship on an accused, especially if the original sentence included a lengthy term of imprisonment. In order to avoid a violation, make sure you understand what is expected of you while on probation. When you have a clear understanding of the rules, you are less likely to make a mistake.

Obvious ways probation can be violated is by committing a new crime. Nearly every probationary term requires the Defendant to stay out of trouble, and not be charged with any new crimes. But the less obvious ways in which probation can be violated are doing things referred to as technical probation violations. Three examples of technical violations of probation include:

  • Missing a scheduled meeting with your probation officer.
  • Neglecting to keep your probation officer apprised of your address.
  • Failing to pay court costs and fines.

Some of these things seem harmless, which is why it can be hard to know what to do when you are on probation. We take special care to make sure you know what is expected of you while serving a term of probation, so you can be successful. The purpose of probation is to keep you out of jail, and to receive the benefits of the bargain made. If you are unable to comply due to a lack of understanding, your hard work can end up being for nothing. An experienced criminal defense attorney knows what actions are defined as probation violations and will help you stay on track.

If you have questions about how to abide by the terms of your probation, contact an experienced criminal defense attorney in Stuart and the Treasure Coast for answers. Your first visit is a free consultation and we work with you to reach results that fit your needs.