The only things celebrities have that the average person doesn’t are better hair, and more money. Well that might not be entirely accurate. While a good number of regular people make the decision to use a prenuptial agreement prior to their wedding, the use of a prenup is seen much more in celebrity circles. Prenuptial agreements are a way to handle important issues such as property and asset division at the time of divorce. Most couples use prenups as a means of ensuring their assets are protected. Most divorce cases involving prenuptial agreements end in distribution per the terms of the agreement. But there are exceptions, and reaching a resolution isn’t always an easy road.
The View star Sherri Shepherd is in the middle of one such divorce case. Despite having a prenuptial agreement in place, the working mom is battling for the same things non celebrities battle in divorce cases:
● Shepherd’s husband is claiming she works too much to be the primary caregiver of their unborn child
● The star’s first husband has also come forward with claims of Shepherd leaving the couples’ child in the care of nannies and other providers frequently
Attacks on the ability to properly parent are common in divorce cases. But when the parties have a prenuptial agreement in place regarding custody, those agreements are usually honored. In the case of The View star however, anyone with internet access or a TV has a front row seat to a hotly contested challenge to a prenuptial agreement. If you are seeking enforcement of an agreement made prior to marriage, or have been challenged by your ex, a family law attorney skilled in interpreting the document is a must. It is critical that you have your agreement thoroughly reviewed and analyzed so the terms can be properly applied to your case.
For questions about divorce, prenuptial agreements, and challenges to agreements made prior to marriage call an experienced family law attorney for help. We review the facts of your case and develop a plan to resolve your issues. Call today to schedule an appointment.