Usually lawmakers find themselves on the side of negotiating laws, not negotiating their way out of a law they’ve broken. But recently, people usually associated with enforcing and making laws have been found in violation of them; from judges to politicians. In these cases, the Courts have not shied away from following the rules.
News reports state representative Dane Eagle, arrested in April has now reached an agreement regarding his DUI case. The Republican from Cape Coral will be required to:
● Perform 100 hours of community service.
- Attend a program that counsels to drivers.
● Take tests designed to determine whether he has been drinking.
In exchange for this 6 month probationary period, Eagle pled guilty to the lesser offense of reckless driving. After his arrest, the representative did not resign his post and was not present in Court when the hearing to memorialize the agreement was held. This outcome is typical in DUI cases, especially if the matter is a first offense. If you have questions about how to reach an agreement, follow the terms of an agreement already in place, or what to do if there has been a violation of probation call our office for answers. Our staff is knowledgeable in criminal defense matters of this kind. We help people face DUI and other criminal defense charges with confidence every day.
If you have been arrested for DUI or another criminal charge, call our office to speak with a qualified criminal defense attorney. We help people in Stuart and the Treasure Coast. Your first visit is a free consultation; call us today to schedule an appointment.