Running will almost always result in an arrest, even if you weren’t doing anything wrong before you ran.
Don’t run if a police officer is looking at or speaking to you. If they had any question about whether to arrest you, they won’t after you run!In December, the Florida Supreme Court held that the act of running from an officer in a high crime area is resisting arrest without violence (a first degree misdemeanor) – regardless of whether your behavior prior to flight was legal or might have resulted in arrest on its own.
In Florida, an officer can come up and talk to you and ask you for identification without any provocation. This is called a citizen encounter. Other than providing your ID, you are not required to say anything else unless you want to. If you are uncomfortable with the encounter, ask the officer if you are free to leave. If he says no, politely tell him you would like a lawyer before you answer any questions. He may continue his investigation, and he may or may not have enough to arrest you already, but he can’t ask you any more questions until your lawyer is present. If you cannot afford one, a public defender must be appointed upon your request for a lawyer -should the police wish to proceed. Be polite in complying with the officer’s requests. But know that you are never required to answer questions without the advice of counsel. If an officer has enough to arrest you, he will usually do so regardless of what you say. It is unlikely that any explanation you give will get you out of the situation, and if fact, usually makes his case stronger. Along the same lines, if an officer asks you for consent to search your property, YOU CAN SAY NO. If an officer has enough to arrest you, he will search you anyway without your consent.
Remember, you may be able to out run an officer, but you can’t out run the radio. They will catch you. Don ‘t give them a reason.