From the day we start kindergarten one of the things taught over and over is how to follow the rules. We are all expected to abide by the law and stay out of trouble. But, we are all also only human and mistakes do happen. When they do, and you are charged with a crime, a popular way to resolve the matter is by agreeing to stay out of trouble in the future. This requires you to enter a term of probation, and to follow all the rules put in place at that time.
Just like there is more than one way to skin a cat, there is also more than one way to violate probation. The most obvious way is to commit a new crime, but there is also a possibility of violating probation by committing lesser offenses. In some instances, you may not even know you are in violation of the terms of your probation. This is referred to as a technical violation of the terms and conditions of probation and some examples include:
- Failing to report to your probation officer as scheduled.
● Failing to advise your officer of a new address.
● Failing to pay the fines associated with your case.
It can be hard to know what you are supposed to do while on probation. A lack of understanding will surely lead to a violation, which is a new charge and a new case. Our job is to make sure you are aware of what is required of you while on probation, and for how long. We help you to understand what to do, and are here when you have questions. Experienced criminal defense attorneys know the difference in types of probation violations and will develop a defense that fits your case.
For questions about probation violations, call a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney in Stuart and the Treasure Coast. Your first visit is a free consultation and we work with you to reach results that fit your needs.