Determining the best defense for DUI after an arrest can be challenging. Because every case is unique, you will want to develop a defense that fits the facts of your case. Deciding what evidence to use requires giving all the information about the case to a skilled criminal defense attorney for examination. It doesn’t have to be scary to trust another person with important things such as your right to drive. And, once you do so, you can take a breather and focus on your life while a competent attorney focuses on your case.
Florida law defines DUI as driving a vehicle with a BAC of 0.08% or higher. The authorities use several methods to determine your BAC, such as blood or breath testing. Attacking the test results is a common defense in DUI cases, and it can be very effective when done properly. If you are able to prove the test results are not reliable, you may be able to have your case dismissed or the charges reduced. Common reasons field sobriety tests are inaccurate include:
- Improper maintenance of the testing equipment.
- Administration of the test by an untrained person.
- The existence of other substances that result in false positives, such as some prescription medications.
Choosing the right defense will impact your ability to drive, whether you will be placed on probation, and might determine whether you are required to have an interlock device installed in your car. Partnering with a knowledgeable attorney will help put you at ease because the options and possible outcomes are laid out clearly for your consideration. Keep in mind that not only do you have to defend the criminal DUI charges against you, but you also must fight for your right to continue driving. Don’t take chances with these important issues; consult an attorney today to find out what tactic will work best for your case.
If you have questions about how to defend a DUI charge, call our office for answers. Call an experienced criminal defense attorney in Stuart and the Treasure Coast. We aggressively defend you and work to maintain your driving privileges. Your first visit is a free initial consultation.