Every criminal case is different, with its own unique set of facts and circumstances. This means the way in which an accused defends charges will depend on the exact case. The defense strategy also depends on the type of charge, but there are a handful of defenses that are commonly used regardless of the case type and facts. Understanding some of the common criminal defense strategies requires taking a look at a specific type of case and then learning how a defense for that charge might also be made in other types of cases.
By way of illustration, consider a DUI case. The legal definition of DUI is driving with a blood alcohol content of 0.08 or more. A common DUI defense is that the field sobriety test results are invalid. Clearly this defense would not be one that gets made in a case not involving alcohol, but the following are common defenses to several types of criminal cases:
- You are presumed innocent until proven guilty, which requires the prosecution to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt.
- You were acting in self-defense.
- Someone else is responsible for the crime, or you have an alibi for your whereabouts.
- The evidence being used against you was unlawfully obtained, and therefore should not be allowed to be sued in the case.
- The prosecution has failed to meet its burden of proving your guilt.
Being charged with a crime is a confusing experience for most people. Knowing what to expect and how to defend the charges helps put you at ease and gives you the confidence needed for an aggressive defense. We have experience helping people defend criminal charges and can help you make wise defensive choices. Call our office today to speak with one of our skilled criminal defense attorneys and learn more about the most frequently asked questions in criminal law.
If you have questions about criminal cases, call our office for answers. Call an experienced criminal defense attorney in Stuart and the Treasure Coast. We aggressively defend you and work to maintain your driving privileges. Your first visit is a free initial consultation.