When a couple divorces with children, the continued welfare and care of the kids is the single most important factor. We work hard to put the best interests of your children first when helping you through your divorce and no other issue can cause a headache more than your ex-spouse not meeting their child support obligations.
Florida law requires all orders of child support to be paid. When support is not paid as ordered, the parent due the payment has many options to for child support enforcement:
● Wage deductions.
● Suspension of hunting and driving licenses.
● Contempt of Court proceedings.
● Placing a lien on the payor’s property.
● Denial of passport.
Employing one or more of these techniques should get results. No one likes having their wages garnished, or their right to drive revoked. It is unfortunate that in some cases enforcement of child support comes to undertaking further action, such as an application for contempt, but putting your kids’ needs first is what matters. Making sure the needs of your children are met and that your kids are safe and cared for is our job. Our attorneys are qualified to assist with all forms of child support enforcement. We help you help your children.
For more information about child support enforcement, call our office for help. We offer an initial visit for a onetime fee. Contact a qualified family law attorney in Stuart and the Treasure Coast today.