Your posts on Facebook and other popular social media sites can have an impact on your divorce, and now it seems social media may also play a role in prenuptial agreements. Typical issues for prenuptial agreements include division of property, ownership of assets, child support and custody, and spousal maintenance. A new topic that some people are now including in their agreements is use of social media. Given the potential social media has to cause damage to relationships; some parties are wisely including clauses on their partner’s use of these popular websites.
A Fox News report details how some social media clauses in prenuptial agreements can help:
● Prohibiting your spouse from sharing damaging images or information about you helps by protecting the privacy of your relationship and helps make sure there is mutual respect among the parties. Having the couple agree to this course of behavior during the marriage helps strengthen the relationship and possibly prevent a split.
● If the parties do end up dissolving their marriage, a clause preventing the parties from bad mouthing one another online helps protect children and can keep tempers down during a divorce.
Mental health professionals agree social media can lead to dishonesty, distrust, and destruction in a relationship. In this way, it is helpful to have a social media clause in a prenuptial agreement and having that agreement can bring the couple closer. Likewise, when divorce does happen, knowing there are penalties for violating a social media clause can help keep the parties keep their anger in check.
For more information about divorce, and prenuptial agreements call our office today. We know your questions are important to you, so we listen to the facts of your case and give you accurate answers. Your first visit is at a onetime flat fee. for help. Call a qualified family law attorney in Stuart and the Treasure Coast today to schedule an appointment.