While some people are able to move on after their divorce in an amicable fashion, the emotional trauma for others makes it difficult to behave reasonably. Too often parties are unable to reach agreements on matters involving children, and you’d rather work overtime than call your ex and ask to trade weekends with the kids. If you have a difficult ex-spouse, you are all too familiar with this scenario.
However, your divorce and communicating with your ex doesn’t have to prove disastrous. In fact, you can get to a place of harmony and working together. There are many forms of divorce that can help:
● Mediation: mediation is where the parties agree to have a neutral third party hear both sides, and make suggestions for resolution. The mediator listens carefully to the needs of each party, and proposes workable solutions. The parties are not bound by the mediator’s choices, but if you can agree on most things mediation may be the way to go.
● Collaborative divorce: similar to mediation, but each party comes to the table with a prior agreement to work together in a peaceful way. Both sides bring their own attorney with them for advice, and when done right the process results in a long lasting, positive impact on the family.
● Use of a child specialist: having a trained professional assist with issues regarding your kids ensures the best interests of your children are considered.
Other professionals that may lend a hand during the divorce process include financial planners and therapists. A financial planner can give you guidance on your post-divorce financial life, and propose plans that meet everyone’s financial needs. Skilled therapists and counselors help minimize the negative impact of divorce on the kids, and assist with co-parenting responsibilities. Participation on an alternate form of divorce (like mediation and collaborative divorce), and utilizing trained professionals can result in a once difficult ex-spouse becoming pleasant.
Our staff of competent family law attorneys in Stuart and the Treasure Coast is familiar with the many types of divorces processes. We can help you decide how to best proceed for your unique set of circumstances, and explain the benefits of mediation, collaborative divorce, and therapy. Contact us to schedule an appointment today.