Stories about how social media can impact a divorce proceeding are becoming more frequent. In most instances, the result is negative. This is due to the use of incriminating posts and photos on social media sites, which more and more Courts are allowing to be used as evidence in matters such as child support and visitation. But, there is a positive side to how technology affects your divorce case. Many sites exist that allow the parties to communicate and resolve issues when face to face conversations are either difficult to schedule or emotionally unpleasant.
Once such site,, allows parents to schedule visitation and discuss important issues affecting their kids in a convenient and non-confrontational forum. Some important things to know about these types of sites include:
● Most include a nominal annual fee.
● Your ex-spouse may request the Court enter an order requiring use of a parenting site.
● Some sites also include features such as a shared calendar, or places where you can upload important documents such as shot records and other papers typically needed for travel or school enrollment.
In high conflict cases, using technology to your advantage is beneficial because it allows the parties to communicate about important issues without the need to make a phone call or meet in person. This allows for a less stressful case progression, which results in a healthier environment for the children. Another benefit to having all your communication housed in one spot is that it is easy to access when needed for hearings, or if you are required to produce documents.
For more information about divorce, and how to use technology to your benefit during your case, call our office today. Your first visit is at a onetime flat fee. Call a qualified family law attorney in Stuart and the Treasure Coast to schedule an appointment.