Maintaining a valid driver’s license is something most of take for granted. But the minute your license is in jeopardy, you quickly realize how important it is to fight to keep your driving privileges. There are several ways you might lose your right to drive, being convicted of a DUI is among the most common. But did you know there are other minor offenses that could result in loss of license?
A D6 license suspension may occur for any of the following reasons:
● Failure to pay traffic fines.
● Failure to appear in court on a traffic related ticket or violation.
● Failing to attend or complete court ordered traffic school.
If you have lost your license for any of these reasons, you can apply for reinstatement. It is important to know that simply paying the fine or ticket will not act to reinstate your license. There are administrative steps that must be taken, and of course paperwork that must be completed. The process can be time consuming and frustrating, but doesn’t have to be. Our office understands the importance of being able to get from point A t point B, and can help you over the administrative hurdles to getting your license back. Fighting the ticket is a better alternative to payment, because if successful you will keep harmful points of your driving record and maintain more manageable insurance rates. Call our office today to learn your options when facing loss of license, or when the need to defend a traffic ticket arises.
If you have questions about traffic violations or your driving privileges, call our office for answers. Contact us today schedule an appointment with an experienced criminal defense attorney in Stuart and the Treasure Coast. The first visit is a free initial consultation.