RJ Ferraro is a Martin County Stuart Florida Criminal Defense Lawyer ready to put his experience to work for you.
A Martin County Violation of Probation (VOP) is Different Than a Criminal Case If you have been charged, or are about to be charged with a Martin County violation of probation (VOP), there are certain things you should know. First of all, a Martin County violation of probation (VOP) is not a criminal case. A violation of probation (VOP) is more like a criminal contempt of court for failure to complete the terms the judge set out in the original sentence. This distinction causes some confusion. For example, the burden of proof is not the same in a Martin County violation of probation (VOP) as it is in a criminal case. The burden of proof in a criminal case is “beyond a reasonable doubt,”, while in a Martin County violation of probation (VOP), the burden is “a greater weight of the evidence,” or “more likely than not.” That means that a trier of fact has to be less sure in a Martin County violation of probation (VOP) than he does in a criminal case. Additionally, a person charged with a Martin County violation of probation (VOP) does not get a jury trial. The judge decides whether a person has violated probation.The Judge Probably Will Not Set A Bail Bond in a Martin County Violation of Probation (VOP)
If you have been charged with a Martin County violation of probation (VOP), it is unlikely that a bail bond will be set in the case. You are not entitled to a bond in a Martin County violation of probation (VOP), like you are in most criminal cases. Your lawyer can request that the bond be set at a bond hearing, but it is usually unlikely that one will be set in most circumstances – unless the only reason for the Martin County violation of probation (VOP) was an inability to make the required payments prior to the completion of the probation term.
Hire A Lawyer Before You Are Arrested on a Martin County Violation of Probation (VOP)!!!
In a Martin County violation of probation (VOP), it is very important to have a lawyer working on the case as quickly as possible. Once the State Attorney has formulated a plea offer to resolve a Martin County violation of probation (VOP), it is very difficult to get them to change the offer. It is always better to start the conversation through your lawyer. If you have any questions concerning a Martin County violation of probation (VOP), contact the Ferraro Law Group. Our lawyers have been handling Martin County violation of probation (VOP) cases since 1974. Call or email today for a free, confidential consultation and let our experience work for you.