Sustainable Alimony Awards in Divorce

Sustainable Alimony Awards in Divorce

Search TagX on Google View all posts tagged as Tagx Gray v. Gray, In this case, the Final Judgment of divorce awarded the Former Wife $ 30,000 per month in permanent, periodic alimony. The Former Husband appealed to the First District Court of Appeal which held that...

Life Insurance to Secure an Alimony Award

Zvida v. Zvida In this case, the parties were married in 1994 and were married for a period of sixteen (16) years prior to the filing of a petition for divorce. During the marriage, the parties had three (3) children. The Wife was not employed during the entire...

Determining Child Support in Florida

In order to calculate child support in Florida, you must follow the following steps-by-step formula:  Calculate each party’s net monthly income by determining their total pay and then deducting federal income taxes, social security, Medicare, health...