We’ve all heard the term “let the punishment fit the crime”, but until you have been charged with a crime this saying has little meaning to you personally. However, the minute you get pulled over for speeding after you’ve been drinking, one of your first thoughts is likely to be “how badly will I be punished?” Every crime is different, so the rules that apply to how criminal charges are prosecuted vary from case to case. If you are charged with a crime, it is important to know what to expect, and what the likely range of punishment will be for your case. It is also helpful to know what will be expected of you after you leave the Courthouse. And if you opted to accept a probationary deal, you will want to take special care to follow the terms of your probation to the letter. Failing to do so is a new charge of violation of probation, and can land you behind bars.
For traffic offenses and DUI cases it is common to expect requirements that include avoiding getting new tickets, installation of an interlock device, and going to traffic or DUI school. One type of crime that has unique probationary requirements is a sex offense. For sex offenders who decide to accept a term of probation, these five rules will have to be followed:
- Sex offenders typically have a curfew, and if they are in public after the curfew time they can be charged with a violation of their probation.
- Sex offenders are not allowed to be within a certain distance of certain types of buildings. Specifically, sex offenders cannot live or be within 1,000 feet of a school or daycare.
- Most probationary terms for sex offenders include a requirement that the offender not drive without another person in the car.
- Sex offenders are required to submit to a polygraph each year.
- Internet activity can be monitored, because there is a prohibition against viewing certain images.
If any of these rules are broken, the sex offender can be charged with the new crime of probation violation and face possible jail time on top of having their probation revoked. A sex offender can violate probation in a number of ways. In order to make sure you understand the terms of your probation and are able to follow the rules, call us for help.
For more information about sex crimes and probation, call an experienced defense attorney in Stuart and the Treasure Coast. We offer an initial consultation for no charge, and look forward to helping you resolve your case in a satisfactory way.