Getting arrested for DUI starts a process that you are powerless to stop, but not powerless to defend. While each DUI case is different, there are things that every defendant should do as soon as possible after being arrested, and in some instances action must be taken right away. If you are arrested for DUI and are unsure where to turn, let an experienced DUI defense attorney help you. When you let a trained professional take on your case you not only breathe easier knowing your matter is in good hands, but you can be assured important deadlines are not missed.
The first three decisions you have to make if you are arrested for DUI are:
- How you will defend the criminal portion of the case, which will include making a decision as to what type of challenges need to be made. This might be a challenge to the validity of the breath test results, or could be an attack on the initial traffic stop.
- Whether you will seek an administrative review of your license suspension. This decision has to be made quickly, because you only have ten days to submit a request for review.
- What types of probationary terms will be doable? Many first time DUI cases are resolved by the defendant agreeing to go on probation, but the requirements vary from case to case. In order to reach an agreement, you can live with, it is essential to let your attorney know your needs.
After you have thought about what you want to do and your ultimate goal for your case, you need to convey that information to your attorney. Sometimes investigations are needed, and the sooner yours can start, the better. Valuable evidence can be obtained by looking into how the stop was made, whether the breath test was administered properly, and whether there are other causes for the test result. But the longer you wait to take action, the more likely it is that this evidence will be harder to get. Let us help you by calling us today to handle your matter. We will take the burden off your shoulders by providing an aggressive defense that includes protection of your driving privileges, and looking for ways to minimize the impact a DUI can have on your life.
For more information about DUI’s, call an experienced defense attorney in Stuart and the Treasure Coast. We offer an initial consultation for no charge, and look forward to working with you.