If you have ever applied for a job, a loan, filled out an application to get into school, or tried to rent an apartment you are familiar with the forms and know that some contain information about your past. Part of that information is your work or educational history, but part of it is also about your criminal record. Most things you apply for in today’s society require you to answer a question about your arrest and/or conviction record. If you have a record you have to check the “yes” box, but if you do not have a record or have taken steps to have it cleared you can confidently check the “no” box when answering this question.
One benefit to having your records expunged is that you say you have not been arrested, but three other benefits to expungement include:
- You might enjoy a better interest rate on loans and/or insurance.
- You can apply for and obtain certain licenses if you do not have a record.
- More job opportunities will open up for you when you are able to report that you do not have a criminal record. Admission to certain schools and universities might also depend on whether you have a clean record.
The process to have your record expunged is a legal one, and our team of criminal defense attorneys knows how to make the request. We can also let you know the possible outcome of a request to expunge your record, because in some instances the data is still visible to certain agencies. So if you are trying to get a job within certain governmental agencies, it is important to know whether an expungement will still be found. We can also help you if you have been denied benefits due to having a record, and what you can do about that denial. If you have questions about how to clear your record, how an expungement can help you, or what to do if you believe you have been unlawfully discriminated against, call our office. We will go over your case with you, and let you know your options.
If you questions about how to clear your record, contact an experienced criminal defense attorney in Stuart and the Treasure Coast for answers. Your first visit is a free consultation and we work with you to reach results that fit your needs.