Having a criminal record makes it hard to get a job, rent an apartment and maybe even to get the best rates on insurance. If you have been arrested and it is showing up on your record it is a good idea to explore the possibility of having the charges expunged. When a charge is expunged it is no longer visible to the public and can really help you get a fresh start. But there are some requirements you have to meet first, and certain steps you have to take in order to get an order of expungement.
In Florida there are three common arguments made when seeking to have a record expunged. These three things are:
- That you have successfully completed a term of probation and the charges are now reduced.
- You were found not guilty during your court case.
- You were arrested, but no charges were ever filed.
Not every type of charge is subject to the laws of expungement, so before you take the first step to ask the Court to enter an order clearing your record, call a knowledgeable defense attorney. We will review your case and let you know if you qualify for an expungement, and if so what you can expect once you ask the Court to clear your record. It is also important to know why you want your record cleaned up, because in some instances even an order expunging the charges will still be available to certain entities. If you are trying to get hired for a governmental job, the charged will still be visible on a background check. Or, if you are applying for a certain type of license (like a gun license), the charges might still be accessible. Call us today for more information about expungement and let us help you make a decision that works for you.
If you have questions about expunging or sealing charges, call our office for answers. Schedule an appointment with an experienced criminal defense attorney in Stuart and the Treasure Coast. Your first visit is a free initial consultation.
If you have questions about expunging records, call our office for answers. Call an experienced criminal defense attorney in Stuart and the Treasure Coast. Your first visit is a free initial consultation.