Most of us are familiar with the right to represent oneself in Court rather than hiring an attorney, and most of that familiarity comes from the movies or from television. But what you seldom see on the big screen is how hard it is for a non-lawyer to handle a case for themselves, and obtain a satisfactory result. This is generally because non-lawyers do not know all of the ins and outs of the Court’s procedures, lack the professional relationship that so many attorneys build up over time with opposing counsel, or simply do not have a firm understanding of how to apply the law to their case or get evidence introduced. When your right to drive and your right to stay out of jail are on the line, it is never a good idea to try and tackle the legal world on your own.
Three good reasons to hire an experienced DUI defense attorney if you have been arrested for DUI are:
- When a DUI arrest is made the officer takes the driver’s license away from the driver. If you do not know how to ask for this suspension to be challenged, you will lose your right to drive, and the time frame depends on whether you are a first time or subsequent offender. But a knowledgeable DUI defense attorney knows that your very short 10 day window is about to close, and will make sure a request for an administrative review of your license suspension is made so you can fight for your license, or at least for partial driving privileges
- Most people are nervous about taking a breath test and when the results lead to DUI can feel as though there is no good way to attack those results. But the truth is there are several challenges that can be made to the breath test results, you just have to know where to look.
- Plea negotiations usually go smoother when the defendant is represented by counsel rather than acting on his own behalf.
We have handled more DUI cases than can be counted, and know the ins and outs of the judicial process as well as have a working relationship with most of the prosecuting attorneys. Let us put our experience to work for you; call us for help with DUI defense or with any other criminal defense question on your mind.
If you questions about DUI defense, contact an experienced criminal defense attorney in Stuart and the Treasure Coast for answers. Your first visit is a free consultation and we work with you to reach results that fit your needs.