Anytime a large company or well-known personality is in the spotlight, for anything, the issue in question can quickly become the talk of every neighborhood block party, office watercooler conversation, or debate on social media. The latest topic of the moment is the debate over privacy and how far into your personal affairs the government can probe. With the FBI seeking to force Apple to unlock a phone belonging to a suspect in the attacks in San Bernadino, opinions about whether this type of governmental power should be wielded are at a fever pitch.
There are three things nearly every citizen can take away from the case as lessons in the law. For example:
- Making Apple give the FBI access as requested could result in a legal precedent that might be used in other cases. The problem is that the ruling could give way to a slippery slope of legal interpretation, and is might mean less freedom and privacy for the average citizen.
- It is also just as likely that the decision could cause confusion over what devices are covered, leading to more than just phone access. Without clear cut rules and procedures in place it will be difficult to know where the right to access on one type of device ends, and access to another begins.
- If Apple is made to comply, it is just a matter of time before other companies become targets as well. This could open the door for the government to gain access to all kinds of personal information, from an unlimited number of sources.
Privacy is one of the most coveted ideals in America, but with hackers already having the know how to get to sensitive information you might be wondering why all of this matters for Apple and how it might impact your daily life. Simply put, there is no way to stop hacking and back dooring when it comes to technology. But there is a long standing concept that when the government is involved the proper channels must be followed. To allow anything else would open the floodgates for unwarranted governmental intrusion into our lives. One of the major cornerstones of criminal law concepts is the idea that you are entitled to your privacy and have the right to certain liberties. To have any rule in place that allows the government to infringe upon those rights is the start of a serious decline in the way criminal law ideals are valued.
If you have questions about criminal cases or defense, call our office for answers. Call an experienced criminal defense attorney in Stuart and the Treasure Coast. Your first visit is a free initial consultation.