Having a criminal record can prevent you from getting certain jobs, or getting into the school of your choice. Charges on your record can even prevent you from renting a house or apartment, or receiving favorable loan terms. So if you have a record and are eligible to have it expunged, you should take the legal steps required to have the charges removed from public viewing. Expungement does not work in every instance, and there are some criteria that must be met before you can obtain an order of expungement.
Under Florida law these three requirements have been put in place in order for a defendant to seek expungement of their record:
- An arrest was made, but the authorities never formally filed charges against you.
- Charges were filed, but you were found not guilty.
- Charges were filed, but were later dismissed.
It is not necessary to have all three of these factors met, and in fact it would be impossible to have all three exist in the same case. One thing to keep in mind though is that the information may still be visible to certain agencies, so before you seek an expungement it is wise to make sure the results will meet your needs. In order to find out if you qualify for an expungement, call a qualified defense attorney. Our team of criminal defense attorneys knows what it takes to expunge a record and can help you decide if this is the option for you. Call us today to learn more and let us plan a strategy for your case. We will review your case for having records expunged, and let you know if you qualify and what to expect once an order is entered.
For more information about expungement of criminal histories, call an experienced defense attorney in Stuart and the Treasure Coast. We offer an initial consultation for no charge, and look forward to helping you resolve your case in a satisfactory way.