It is natural to be confused about what comes next in the days right after being arrested. Most people have never been arrested, so if they are it can be scary and the search for answers about what to do can seem to go slow. The thought of having to go to Court can cause anxiety, and might even cause a defendant to stick their head in the sand and hope the need to show up goes away. But that is not likely to happen, so the better way to handle being arrested is to partner with an experienced defense attorney. When you let a qualified attorney take on the burden of defending the charges against you, you can get back to the business of your life without worry.

This does not mean you will be excused from going to Court, but your attorney will prepare you for what to expect so you can stand before the Judge without having your knees knock together. The first appearance you will have to make in Court is at your arraignment. Here are three things you can expect will happen at this hearing:

  • The Judge will read the charges against you aloud, to you, and ask if you understand the charges.
  • The Judge will then ask you how you plan on pleading to the charges, this is something you will have discussed with your attorney in advance so you will be able to respond without wondering what it means to enter a plea, and what the possible consequences of that plea maybe on your case.
  • After you tell the Judge how you intend to plea, you will be given the date for your next court appearance.

Going over the facts of your case before the arraignment date will give you the chance to talk about possible outcomes with your attorney. Once you are satisfied with the potential results, you can discuss your plea options and then decide on which one is best for you. If you do not understand what could happen if you plea a certain way, ask! The right attorney will be happy to answer your questions, and make sure the explanation give is understandable. If you have been arrested for DUI, a drug charge, reckless driving, or another crime, call us for help.

If you have been arrested, call our office for help today. Contact us today schedule an appointment with an experienced criminal defense attorney in Stuart and the Treasure Coast. The first visit is a free initial consultation.