Having a criminal record can keep you from getting a job, renting an apartment, or getting into school. The negative association that goes along with a criminal record can really hold you back, but there are things you can do to make sure the negative impact is decreased. In some cases the law gives you the ability to erase your record, and start with a clean slate. In order to determine if you qualify, it is best to enlist the help of a knowledgeable attorney. Expungement of a criminal record can have great benefits, but only if you take the appropriate steps.
Three ways to have your record cleared; under Florida law include the following:
- If charges were filed against you but were later dismissed, you will qualify for an expungement. This may happen due to the result of careful negotiations, or a lack of evidence. This can also be the result of successfully completing a term of probation, with one of the terms being a dismissal of the charges after the probation comes to an end.
- If you were arrested but there was not enough evidence to file charges, you can ask for the notation of arrest to be taken off of your record.
- If charges were filed and you were found not guilty, you are entitled to have the incident erased from your criminal record. A not guilty finding is typically the result of a trial.
An expungement will remove the charges from your record; so that when your record is pulled up there will not be any note of the arrest or the charges. This is true for the general public, but not necessarily for law enforcement or governmental agencies. So, if you are considering seeking an expungement, it is smart to find out if the result will be of any benefit to you. We can help you to make this determination, and take the steps needed for an expungement. Our team of legal professionals can help you with your record sealing and expungement, and are ready to help you today.
If you have questions about expunging an arrest or criminal record, call our office for answers. Schedule an appointment with an experienced criminal defense attorney in Stuart and the Treasure Coast. Your first visit is a free initial consultation.