When you get arrested for DUI you have to defend the criminal charges against you, as well as fight to keep your driver’s license. The part of your case that deals with license suspension is an administrative proceeding, and has tight timelines to follow. If you want to keep any of your driving privileges, you have to request an administrative hearing within 10 days of the arrest. If you fail to do so, you will not be allowed to drive. There are also instances where getting a hardship license may be restricted, like in cases that are not first time DUI arrests.
In order to get a hardship license for a second DUI, you will have to do the following three things:
- Attend and successfully finish DUI school and/or an alcohol treatment program.
- Receive a recommendation for a hardship license from the administrative body that supervises license suspensions that is favorable; this recommendation should also include a referral to DUI school and/or an alcohol treatment program.
- Remain under the supervision of the administrative agency (through the Special Supervision Services Program) that supervises the suspension, for the entire time your license is suspended and placed on hardship status.
This program can be costly, but is worth the price if you need to be able to drive after receiving a subsequent DUI. Keep in mind a hardship license is not a “given”, meaning you will not automatically be granted this status and receive a hardship license. In order to increase your chances of a favorable outcome, it is vital to call on the experience of a qualified DUI defense attorney. We have experience helping keep people behind the wheel of their car, even when a DUI arrest has been made, and can help you too. Call us today to find out if you qualify for a hardship license, and what the steps are to request the same. A thoughtful review of the facts of your case will reveal the answers you need, in order to make the decisions that work best for you and your family. When you remember the purpose of a hardship license is to allow a person to continue to go to work and provide for their family, it becomes easier to pinpoint the facts of your case that help the most. Contact one of our DUI attorneys for help.
If you have questions about DUI defense, call our office for answers. Call an experienced criminal defense attorney in Stuart and the Treasure Coast. Your first visit is a free initial consultation.