Spending the day in traffic school is no one’s idea of a good time. But if you have received a traffic ticket it may be just what you need in order to keep damaging points off of your driving record. Attending traffic school after getting a ticket is also one way to maintain lower insurance rates. These two reasons should be enough to give you pause over whether simply paying the fine and moving on is in your best interest. Most times paying the fine without exploring your legal options is not the most advantageous method of resolving a traffic ticket. A better approach is to fight the ticket, and see if you are able to do things like go to traffic school in exchange for a lower fine, and a charge that does not show up on your driving record. The fewer instances of traffic violations on your driving record the better, because when you accumulate too many tickets you stand the chance of losing your license.
A couple of rules on school, and two traffic ticket school do’s and don’ts of attending include the following:
- Do not attempt to try and attend traffic school more than once in twelve months. The state does not permit attendance more than once in this time period, so you have to be careful about when you decide to go. You are also prohibited from going to driving school more than five times in a ten year span.
- Do attend an accredited school, and be sure to obtain your certificate of completion.
Proof that you have completed the course is generally a requirement for a reduction in the ticket, so you will want to be sure to hand this over to your attorney as soon as it is received. Keeping you on the road is important, and we know how to look at your case and determine when the time is right to attend traffic school. Let us help you maintain your driving privileges after receiving a traffic ticket by calling our office to speak with a trained traffic ticket attorney today.
If you have received a traffic ticket, contact an experienced criminal defense attorney in Stuart and the Treasure Coast for answers. Your first visit is a free consultation and we work with you to reach results that fit your needs.