For years the thought was that when a couple called it quits, the mother always got the home and the kids. Dads were relegated to an every other weekend and alternating holiday visitation schedule. This type of arrangement meant less involvement in the lives of children by their fathers and a broken bond between father and child. So just what is the role of a dad post-divorce, and how does it impact the children?
An organization dedicated to the welfare and health of children runs down some possibilities on why the involvement of a father in his kids’ life after divorce is a problem, and most are linked to child support. For example:
● A father unable to meet his child support obligation may feel as though he hasn’t “earned” time with his kids. Nothing could be further from the truth. Kids need their dads present for more than financial support. Emotional support is just as important as financial support and that comes for free!
● Some nonpaying dads are simply denied access to their kids by the mother, as a form of “punishment”. If this is your situation, keep in mind visitation and child support are not mutually exclusive. Failure to pay does not justify a denial of visitation.
● In more cases than you might think, the mother doesn’t seek or accept child support. There are instances where a mom doesn’t want to feel “obligated” to her ex, and so will not accept child support. This can cause a dad to feel unnecessary and may lead to a lack of contact altogether.
Regardless of why a father is absent from his kids’ lives after divorce, it is important to remember a father who feels involved is also more likely to pay a child support award order. If you have questions about child support and a dad’s role after divorce, talk to a knowledgeable family law attorney. We have experience with all types of family law cases and provide insight into your most significant questions.
For more information about divorce, child support and visitation, and a father’s role after divorce, call our office today. Your first visit is at a onetime flat fee. Call a qualified family law attorney in Stuart and the Treasure Coast to schedule an appointment.