Any criminal conviction is damaging, but some crimes are more serious than others. The more severe the charge, the more likely the punishment will be harsher. It is important to know the difference between misdemeanor criminal charges and felony charges. Knowing what type of crime you are charged with will help you develop a suitable defense.
A Florida felony conviction carries with it a jail sentence of more than a year. With a misdemeanor you may not have any jail time to do, but if you do the time is less than a year. This is the main difference between a felony and a misdemeanor, other differences include:
● Felonies are classified into three categories, with the most severe category carrying life imprisonment upon conviction and the least severe category requiring a sentence of five or less years.
● Misdemeanors are broken down into only two categories. Common misdemeanors include petit theft and trespass.
Our goal is to reach a result that works for you and your family, and causes the least disruption to your life. The first step is to identify the type of crime you have been charged with, and from there investigate the facts so a workable defense can be developed. We understand being charged with any crime is scary, and we work with you to make sure you are informed and understand the process every step of the way. No two cases are the same, and a thoughtful analysis is required to determine the best course of action for the specific facts of your case.
For more information about criminal cases, call an experienced criminal defense attorney in Stuart and the Treasure Coast. We aggressively defend you so you can move forward with your life. Your first visit is a free initial consultation.