A DUI case in Florida is a two party case, there is the criminal case against you and there is a separate administrative matter that takes place outside of the Courthouse. This administrative proceeding is the state’s effort to take your driver’s license upon being arrested for DUI, and if you want to maintain the ability to drive you have to seek a review of the suspension. Further, the review must be requested no later than ten days after you DUI arrest.
Before you think your DUI case is one where you don’t need to seek a modified right to drive, take a minute to think about what you would do without the ability to drive. Questions would quickly arise as to how you would get to where you need to be, or how you would make sure your kids got to school on time. Five good reasons to seek a modified license include:
- A modified license will allow you to keep appointments with your attorney, which will be necessary in order to effectively defend the charges against you.
- You will also be allowed to drive to any doctor or other medical appointments with a provisional license.
- With a limited right to drive, you will be granted the ability to drive to work. This is vital, in that going to work allows you to continue to draw a paycheck so you can support your family.
- Modified driving rights include the right to drive to and from the Church of your choice.
- You will still be able to drive to work if you seek, and are granted, a modified license.
Asking for a modified license after being arrested for DUI requires you to act fast. The request must be made within ten days of the arrest, and if you do not meet this tight deadline you will not be granted a limited license. Our job is to not only defend the criminal charge of DUI against you, but also make sure all of your rights are protected. This includes seeking an administrative review of your license suspension, and helping you to stay on the road.
If you have questions about what to do after a DUI arrest, contact an experienced criminal defense attorney in Stuart and the Treasure Coast for answers. Your first visit is a free consultation and we work with you to reach results that fit your needs.