Every now and then it seems things like foreclosures, bankruptcies, violent crimes, and the like are on a downward trend. When this happens, popular theories are that the economy is on the rebound or that crime is at a low point due to fewer criminal acts being committed. However, this is simply not the case and the example of DUI’s illustrates the point.
It has been reported that the Miami Beach police have just received funding for the purposes of cracking down on DUI’s. The details are as follows:
- Police in Miami Beach are looking forward to an additional $100,000.00 in a grant.
- The funds will be used to enforce the laws against driving while under the influence of alcohol or other controlled substances.
- Police will be working overtime to “catch” drivers in the act of DUI.
With Miami Beach just a few short hours away you may be wondering how this grant may impact you here at home. The short answer is that, when possible, law enforcement agencies across the state and in nearby locales tend to pick up on the activity of other cities. Because the incidents of alcohol related crimes is not necessarily on the decrease, and the reason for fewer arrests is likely tied to funding, with an infusion of cash will come more checkpoints and officers working longer hours to make arrests. This type of activity could make its way up the state line to us here in Stuart, so it is important to be aware of this change. If you have been arrested for DUI, it is critical to enlist the help of a skilled DUI defense attorney right away. There are deadlines that come up quickly, with the first being a short 10 days after the arrest. This deadline is your window of time to request an administrative review of the revocation of your driver’s license and if the window closes without the request being made you will not have another opportunity. We can help keep you on the road, and offer aggressive defense for DUI charges. Contact us today to learn more.
If you have questions about DUI defense, call our office for answers. Call an experienced criminal defense attorney in Stuart and the Treasure Coast. Your first visit is a free initial consultation.