Three Ways To Avoid A DUI

Search TagX on Google View all posts tagged as Tagx Getting a DUI can be one of life’s most difficult experiences. You can lose your driver’s license, you might be sentenced to jail, and you could wind up paying a large fine on top of the court costs associated with...

Five Ways To Violate Probation

Agreeing to go on probation as a way to resolve a criminal case against you can keep you out of jail. But this only works if you are able to follow all of the rules of your probation, and stay out of trouble the entire time. If you commit a probation violation, your...

Three Things To Know About Probation Violations

Agreeing to go on probation is a good way to resolve a criminal case against you. But in order for this option to work, you have to stay on track with your probation and do everything that’s been ordered. This is easy for some people, but others struggle to comply. If...

Three Things To Know About DUI Defense

It is not hard to get information in today’s cyber world. A well worded search online will quickly lead you to story after story about whatever topic you are researching, and the information you find can be helpful. But before you rely on a magazine article or...

Three Popular DUI Defense Strategies

A DUI is a serious matter. This means that you should give it a serious defense. The possible consequences include spending time in jail, having to pay high fines, and having your driver’s license taken away. We understand these things sound harsh, but it is possible...

Five Things To Know About DUI Cases

It is never anyone’s plan to get pulled over and given a DUI. But, sometimes it does happen. And, if it happens to you, you need to know what to do and what to expect. You will probably have your license taken from you during the traffic stop, but that does not mean...

Five Reasons To Try And Avoid A Second DUI

Not everything you do in life is worth repeating. For example, if you oversleep and are late to school or work, and miss turning in a big paper or project you will probably only want to have that experience once. The same is true when you are talking about criminal...