When met with possible harm, it is a natural instinct to feel the need to protect yourself, your home and your family. There are laws that make it possible to do just this, and not face the possibility of criminal charges against you. The problem is that the laws are not clear and this creates difficulty in proving the motive for your actions.
No one knows better than George Zimmerman the problems with the Stand Your Ground law, and it seems there are no answers to this complex legal issue today any more than there were a few short years ago. The most recent Floridian to find herself in a battle over whether her actions were justified is Janepsy Carballo. The Miami woman is charged with a revenge killing, but insists she was acting in self-defense:
● In 2008 Carballos’ husband was gunned down in front of their house.
● One of the alleged shooters (Nissim) was a business partner of Mr. Carballo, and after the incident Janepsy was persuaded to obtain information from the shooter to use as evidence.
● Ultimately, Nissim also lost his life and prosecutors say Mrs. Carballo pulled the trigger out of revenge. Carballo denies this claim and says she was acting out of self-defense.
It remains to be seen how this case will resolve. One thing is for sure though, the right to defend yourself seems to be getting whittled away at more and more every day. It is important to know what you can and cannot do when defending yourself or your property, because avoiding criminal charges for the act of keeping your family safe should not be one of the things that crosses your mind when a threat crosses your path. We keep on top of the most recent developments and legal decision in the state so we can give you the best possible defense.
If you’ve been charged with a crime, call an experienced criminal defense attorney for help. Skilled criminal defense attorneys in Stuart and the Treasure Coast are here to help you reach workable solutions. Your first visit is a free initial consultation.