Agreeing to go on probation sounds like a good idea if you have been charged with a crime, because it will keep you out of jail. If you have a family, a job, or other responsibilities staying out of jail will allow you to carry on with your life. But the only way you can reap the benefits of probation is if you follow all of the rules. To do that, you will need to know what you are supposed to do, and it is always good to have some pointers.
Three tips for having a successful probation are:
- If you are required to perform community service, be sure to schedule it early. The sooner you start checking things off your probation to do list, the sooner you can rest easy knowing you are course for success. But, if you put off things that need your attention, you can find yourself backed into a corner and running out of time.
- If you are supposed to check in periodically with a probation officer, or with the prosecution, do so. Keep track of all of your appointments and make plans to attend. If you have a scheduling conflict, call your attorney as soon as possible to see if alternate arrangements can be made.
- If you have to attend driving school, drug or alcohol treatment course, or have an interlock installed in your car for a DUI or other traffic related offense, take care of these things as soon as you can. The same rationale for completing community service early on in your probationary term applies to these requirements. It might seem like your term is long, but the truth is the time will pass quickly and you don’t want to come to the end of probation without having done all of the things you were ordered to do.
We know that going on probation is a good way to resolve criminal charges. But this only works if you can follow the rules, and part of that is understanding what you need to do. We can help by negotiating agreeable terms, and making sure you are clear on your obligations.
For more information about probation or probation violations, call us. Contact our office today schedule an appointment with an experienced criminal defense attorney in Stuart and the Treasure Coast. The first visit is a free initial consultation.