Having a criminal record can make it difficult to obtain employment, credit, and even find a place to live. The good news is that your future doesn’t have to be tainted by a criminal record. You can seek to have damaging information removed from your record. The circumstances under which criminal charges can be expunged from your record are limited, so consultation with a trained criminal defense attorney is a necessity.
You may qualify for an expungement under Florida law if any of these circumstances exist:
● You were arrested, but the charges were never filed after the arrest.
● The charges were dismissed or dropped.
● You were found not guilty at trial0.
● You successfully completed the terms of your probation, and all court costs and fines have been paid in full.
Even if you qualify for an expungement pursuant to the above, that does not mean the Courts automatically grants your request to have your record sealed. And, there are instances even after expungement where the information might still be visible. For example, if you are applying for a job in law enforcement or for the government, your record may still be available. To learn how the laws of expungement apply to the facts of your case, contact our office.
If you have been arrested and want to have your criminal record sealed, call our office to learn your options. Schedule an appointment with an experienced criminal defense attorney in Stuart and the Treasure Coast. Your first visit is a free initial consultation.