A Therapist’s Role In Divorce

A Therapist’s Role In Divorce

Search TagX on Google View all posts tagged as Tagx The decision to end a marriage is never an easy one. For some couples, the decision is the result of a lot of hard work and effort to repair the relationship. For others, the need to participate in therapeutic...

Parenting Plans

Mental health professionals agree that when families separate, the best interests of the children are served by parents that are able to present a united face to the kids even in the midst of divorce. However, not all parents are able to effectively co-parent and...
A Therapist’s Role In Divorce

Appealing Adverse Decisions

When you file for divorce, your case is decided by the trial court. But the trial court doesn’t always get it right the first time, and appeals are sometimes needed. The process to file an appeal is detailed and in most instances an appeal can only be raised when...